Embrace the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda

Step into the world of Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that has been guiding people towards optimal health and wellness for over 5,000 years. Originating in India, Ayurveda is a holistic approach that emphasises balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Our goal is to help you achieve this balance using natural, time-tested remedies and practices.


Our Philosophy

We believe that true health goes beyond mere symptom relief. It’s about creating a life of harmony and balance. Our approach is personalised, recognizing that each individual is unique with their own set of needs, constitution (dosha), and life circumstances. By addressing the root causes of imbalance, we aim to promote long-lasting well-being.

Why Choose Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is not just a treatment; it’s a lifestyle. Our approach is grounded in the belief that prevention is better than cure. By focusing on the underlying causes of health issues and promoting lifestyle changes, Ayurveda helps you achieve and maintain well-being.

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Our Services

Herbal Remedies

Discover the power of nature with our herbal remedies designed to address common health issues. From stress and digestion to skin care and immunity.

Diet and Nutrition

Ayurveda places great importance on diet as a cornerstone of health. We offer personalised dietary consultations based on your dosha to help you make balanced food choices. Learn how to incorporate seasonal, local, and dosha-specific foods to optimise digestion and vitality.

Detox Programs

Rejuvenate your body with our Ayurvedic detox programs.Our detox plans help eliminate toxins, improve digestion, and restore balance to your system.

Mind-Body Practices

Enhance your mental and emotional well-being through traditional Ayurvedic practices. Explore yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathwork) to achieve clarity, reduce stress, and promote inner peace.

Analyze Your Health ( Prakriti Test )


Introduction to Prakriti

In Ayurveda, Prakriti refers to an individual’s unique constitution, determined by the balance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each person is born with a specific combination of these doshas, which shapes their physical, mental, and emotional characteristics. Understanding your Prakriti is essential for living a healthy and balanced life because it helps you align your lifestyle, diet, and activities according to your natural tendencies.
The three doshas represent the elements that make up the universe:
Vata (Air and Ether) governs movement, creativity, and energy flow.
Pitta (Fire and Water) regulates metabolism, digestion, and intellect.
Kapha (Earth and Water) controls stability, strength, and nurturing qualities.
By identifying your dominant dosha(s) through this assessment, you can better understand your inherent strengths, potential imbalances, and ways to maintain optimal well-being.
Before you begin:
Answer the questions based on your natural tendencies (not your current state or imbalances) to get an accurate assessment of your Prakriti. Each question will focus on your physical attributes, emotional tendencies, and behavioural patterns, helping you identify which dosha is most prominent in your constitution.
This questionnaire helps determine your dominant dosha based on Vata, Pitta, and Kapha characteristics. Use the following score system for each question:

Physical Traits





Body Build Thin, lanky, light Medium, muscular Heavy, stocky, solid
Skin Texture Dry, rough, cool Warm, oily, sensitive Thick, oily, smooth
Hair Dry, curly, brittle Straight, oily, fine Thick, wavy, lustrous
Eyes Small, active, dark Sharp, penetrating, light Large, calm, blue/brown
Appetite Variable, irregular Strong, sharp Steady, slow but strong
Thirst Variable Intense Low, slow
Digestion Variable, gas, bloating Strong, rapid Strong, rapid
Sleep Light, interrupted Moderate, may wake up early Deep, heavy, prolonged
Temperature Preference Prefers warmth Prefers coolness Prefers warmth, dislikes cold and damp

Mental Traits





Mind Quick, restless Sharp, aggressive Calm, steady
Memory Quick to grasp, quick to forget Sharp, clear memory Slow to grasp, good long-term memory
Emotions Fear, anxiety Anger, irritability Calm, content, lethargy
Decision Making Indecisive, spontaneous Decisive, assertive Slow, methodical
Creativity Highly creative, imaginative Focused, strategic Steady, methodical

Summary of Each Prakriti

Vata (Air and Ether)

Pitta (Fire and Water)

Kapha (Earth and Water)


Add up points for each dosha:
Vata: __
Pitta: __
Kapha: __
The dosha with the highest score is your dominant Prakriti. If two doshas have nearly equal scores, you have a dual Prakriti (e.g., Vata-Pitta). If all three scores are nearly equal, you are Tridoshic, meaning you have an equal balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Vata Dominant: Creative, energetic but easily fatigued.
Pitta Dominant: Sharp intellect, prone to irritability.
Kapha Dominant: Calm, nurturing, and steady.

Comprehensive Prakriti (constitution) analysis in tabular form, including a summary of each Prakriti:

Prakriti Type Characteristics Physical Traits Mental Traits Diet Recommendations Lifestyle Recommendations
Air and Ether Thin, dry skin, cold hands/feet, prone to constipation Creative, energetic, quick to learn but forgetful Warm, moist, easily digestible foods, avoid cold/raw foods Regular routines, gentle exercises like yoga
Fire and Water Medium build, warm body temperature, prone to inflammation Intelligent, focused, competitive, prone to anger Cooling, non-spicy foods, avoid hot and fried foods Moderate exercise, meditation, avoid excessive heat
Earth and Water Heavy build, oily skin, slow digestion Calm, compassionate, steady, but can be lethargic Light, warm, dry foods, avoid heavy and oily foods Regular physical activity, avoid daytime naps, stay active

Live Well, Naturally

Experience the transformative power of Ayurveda and embrace a life of balance and vitality.


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