Time to welcome the Summers ……. but with this change of season there is a very common problem which most children , adults and old age people suffer from that is cough and cold . Here in this blog we will find out some of the common herbs which you can use to prevent this problem . First and foremost during this change of season you have to take care of your throat and nasal passage as these are the route from where germs enter your body . 
Tips to take care of your throat and nose :

  • Put 2 drops of sesame oil or cow’s ghee in both nostrils at bedtime everyday 
  • After having a meal gargle with warm  Turmeric water , 2-3 times a day 
  • Avoid cold , sour and fried food .

Herbs to prevent cough and cold 

1. Tulsi Holy basil is available in each Indian home and people worship Tulsi  . Most of us are not aware of the benefits we get from Tulsi . In ancient science this is the most sacred plant .Tulsi nourishes body , mind and spirit.

Botanical name – Ocimum tenuiflorum

Tulsi in Sanskrit means “one that is incomparable”. 

Rasa( taste) – pungent

Virya (energetic effect) – heating

Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Pungent

Tulsi balances kapha in the lungs and vata in the head and nerves, it also soothes vata in the digestive tract. It helps to manage Meda Dhatu ( fatty tissue ) and thus helps in controlling weight .

How to consume Tulsi 

Take 4-5 leaves of Tulsi Leaves and boil in 150 ml of water for 2-3 min, then take this water 2-3 times a day . You can also add black pepper and cinnamon to this infusion.

Contraindication- during pregnancy as it leads to uterine contractions

2. Licorice (Mulethi) 
Licorice (Yashtimadhu) is used in Ayurveda in the management of respiratory disorders. It is also used in the treatment of chronic acidity and acidity .It also boosts immunity . Licorice water is used to relieve pain in the sore throat . It helps in pacifying Vata and Pitta. 
Botanica name – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Rasa- Madhura ( Sweet)Virya – Sheet (Cold )Vipaka – Madhura ( Sweet)
How to Consume  Mulethi 
Take 2-4 grns of Mulethi Powder and add 1 tsp organic honey  , take this 2 times a day .
Contraindication – Patient suffering from hypertension must avoid high doses of Mulethi .

3. Black Pepper ( Kali Mirch) 
Botanical Name –  Piper Nigrum 
Rasa- Katu ( Pungent) Virya –  Ushna ( heating) Vipaka – Katu (Pungent) 
It helps in balancing Vata and Kapha dosha in the body . It is also beneficial in digestive disorders like flatulence , gas and bloating . It is beneficial in respiratory problems . Black pepper can be used in the form of powder and a docotion can be made with black peppercorns .

How to consume Black Pepper 1. Take 3-4 black peppercorns and boil in 150 ml of water . You can also add cloves and ginger in the decoction.2. Take 2 gms of black pepper powder with  1 tsp honey or lukewarm water , twice in a day .Contraindication- during pregnancy

4. Chyawanprash
In ancient times this preparation was taken by a Chywan Rishi to rejuvenate his physical strength . That is the reason why it is called Chyawanprash . It is a combination of more than 25 herbs which all are rich in  natural minerals like  iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and zinc . Most important ingredient of Chyawanprash is Amla.
It helps to boost immunity  and can be taken by all age groups . It also rejuvenates skin, hair and all tissues of the body . It improves fertility and provides strength to the body .

How to consume Chyawanprash 
Take 5 gms ( 1 tsp) of Chyawanprash with lukewarm milk or water once or twice in a day .

5. Honey  Honey is a natural sweetener derived from the nectar of flowers by bees . It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It helps to boost immunity . In children honey can be used during milk cough and cold . One thing that you always have to remember –  Do not put honey in any hot food or beverage as honey loses its property when it comes in contact with heat . 

How to consume honey 
Take 5 gms of honey once or twice in a day .

Happy Summers

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