In the modern era, the rise in pollution levels poses a significant threat to our health and well-being. The air we breathe, …

In environments with high levels of pollution, yoga can serve as a valuable tool for enhancing overall health and bolstering immunity. While …

Introduction Monsoon is a beautiful season that brings relief from scorching summer heat, but it also ushers in a range of health …

In our fast-paced modern lives, lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol, stress, hypertension, hair fall, and dull skin have become increasingly …

Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It is a time for …

Ayurvedic Solutions for Halitosis: Ancient Wisdom for Fresh Breath Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic medicine from India, offers a treasure trove …

How to Manage Conjunctivitis – Ayurveda Way  Nowadays due to change in weather conditions infections are very common, one of such infections is …

In this article we are  going to share 5 magical lifestyle modifications which can bring tremendous change in your health. If you …

In modern day we all forget about our ancient wisdom and follow a routine as per the modern life , which leads …

Today we are going to talk about 5 things one must avoid if suffering from PCOD , a condition in which female …

We all are celebrating the spiritual time with Ma Durga during this Navratri . Most of us keep fast and pray to Goddess Durga  …

Sleep disorders ,  a group of conditions that disturb the ability to sleep well. It involves issues related to the quality, timing, …

Hope you have enjoyed the warm up postures in Module 1 . Now time to move further and this time we are …

Nowadays most of the parents are getting worried as most of the time their children are using gadgets with long screen time .  After the …

Do you know why people use Turmeric ? As per various scientific studies Turmeric has given benefits : • Boosts Immune System • Fights Against …

Ayurveda not only helps you to maintain physical and mental health  but it also helps to maintain healthy relationships . Once you understand the concept …

Nowadays people with busy lifestyle face a lot of anxiety and stress issues. Sometimes it’s related to health , job , personal relationship , …

Sun is the source of energy for the entire world and keeping this in mind our ancient sages created this unique way …

Time to welcome the Summers ……. but with this change of season there is a very common problem which most children , adults …

The science of Ayurveda teaches us how to live in harmony by using five basic elements of the Universe like Earth, Fire, …