In this article we are  going to share 5 magical lifestyle modifications which can bring tremendous change in your health. If you follow these simple tips then you can see that there is provement in your posture, backache and your body become more flexible .

So let’s start :

Tip No. 1 –    Always make a conscious effort to keep your back straight  , yes it seems very easy but if you consciously check this then you will find that most of the time your back is bent and you need to keep it straight . Once you keep your back straight then the flow of prana energy in you is more and you can feel that your energy levels are improving day by day . Initially you face little discomfort and you have to change your habit but once you overcome this you can really make a lot of difference in your health . Share this practise with your friends , family and specially to the kids .

Tip No. 2 –  Take out 10 min. from your routine to stretch your body .  Yes you heard it right , you must have seen infants, they keep stretching their body naturally. As an adult we all forget this practise of stretching our body . You can simply do this once you get up from the bed , just stretch your both hands upward , sideways and do forward and downward bending . Once you stretch your body you can easily feel the stiff areas of your body , which you aren’t aware of in your regular routine . One more thing which you can do is to utilise your brushing time in doing 5-10 squats , as brushing is your daily habit so doing 10 squats everyday is definitely going to  make your thigh muscles strong .

Tip No.3-   Oil Pulling –  This is an Ayurveda technique in which you have to keep 10-15 ml of cold pressed coconut oil in your mouth and swish it in the mouth for 5 min , Coconut oil nourishes your gums and teeth . Conditions like bad smell from mouth and dental caries can be prevented by doing this activity . Along with this practise at bed time put 2 drops of Organic ghee in your both nostrils , it nourishes your brain so you can have a sound sleep at night .

Tip No. 4 – Avoid taking food causing Inflammation . Food such as refined flour ( pasta, noodles, bread, biscuits and bakery food) , processed food, chemicals and colouring agents ,refined oil, caffeinated drinks, excessive consumption of white salt and white sugar, all these are inflammatory foods. Most of our lifestyle disorders such as diabetes , high cholesterol and  fatty liver  occur due to the inflammation and above mentioned food causes inflammation in the body . Once you cut down these foods for 3 months you can see that your body has completely transformed . Include more vegetables , salad and vegetable juices in your diet makes your body alkaline . 

Tip No. 5-  Do prayer 10 min before you go to bed . Yes, it is the most important part to keep your mental health in good condition . Whatever you do in the entire day, dedicate the same to the god you worship at night . Mostly our mind and our life is affected by what people tell us and it makes us angry , happy or sad during the day . We all must spend 10 min from our 24 hrs. to connect with energy which is responsible to run this entire universe . Take energy from the universe and keep your mind calm and stable .

Follow these tips and share your experience with us , we would be coming with more practical practices which makes your life healthy and Happy .