Nowadays most of the parents are getting worried as most of the time their children are using gadgets with long screen time .  After the Pandemic now many of the children are using laptops for  online study  and due to excessive usage of laptops children are getting affected not only physically but also mentally .

Children are not able to concentrate or focus on anything they are doing like study or any other task . Most of the children in  the age group  of 4-8 years are wearing glasses due to weak eyesight . 

In the modern era digital devices are the best way to learn about the world and other subjects . It is the duty of parents to monitor the screen time for their child . The key to reduce screen time is to provide them options which are more interesting and engaging for them. Most of the time parents say no to screen time without providing any other alternative . 

Here are few practices you can follow to reduce the screen Time :

1. Children learn things faster by observing , so if both parents are always scrolling their phones then the child will also learn the same just by observing . You have to reduce your screen time as well if you want to inculcate the same habit in your child . 

2. Spend quality time with your child which means doing the activity which your child wants to do , so that they don;t miss the screen time .

3. Allow your child to join any sports activity as per their choice

4. Fix the time limit for the screen time for eg 2pm – 2:15 pm (not more than 10 -15 min.)  so that your child doesn’t feel that you are restricting them forcefully . It’s the same as how we fix time for study, similarly we have to set time for screen time .

4. Help your child to understand how to use technology for the benefit of learning something new rather than just wasting time .

5. Plan a digital detox hour  for your family in which no one in the family is going to use any gadget . It’s fun ! 

6. Try to limit the usage of gadgets and limit the screen time without talking too much about it . Don’t make it a big change for your child, just do it in a very light and simple way .

7. If your child is used to of having long screen time and you want to stop this habit all of a sudden , then your child face a lot of behavioural issues like throwing tantrums and misbehaving with parents , It’s like an addiction to screen time and child also need time and proper care during this transition . Start communicating with your child , show them the side effects of long screen time on eyes and behaviour ( in videos or pictures) . Sometimes showing them bad results of their habits can actually work and children stop doing the same .

8. Make sure during this transition your child must be engaged in other activities so that they don’t get bored .

9. Take this as a family challenge where everyone has to participate , you cannot align this only to the child.

10 . Don’t showcase this change as a big challenge , just show your child that it’s just there and in moderation the child can use the gadgets .

Hope these tips are going to create a positive environment at your home and help you to reduce screen time for your child and the entire family .

Share your feedback and results after practicing the above tips in comments.