Quick Tips for you

25.2 million adults are estimated to have IGT (Impaired glucose tolerance) , which is estimated to increase to 35.7 million in the year 2045. India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic with 77 million people with diabetes.Diabetes in Ayurveda is called “Madhumeha “. In Ayurveda, diabetes mellitus is described under the Prameha category. Prameha means “water that dilutes everything in the body.” It is a disease in which the Doshas are out of balance. Prameha is a collective term of 20 disorders in which the entire urinary system is involved, characterized by excessive urination with abnormal valuesDiabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease in which the body’s ability to respond to the hormone Insulin is reduced, this causes elevation in blood glucose levels. The insulin resistance caused in the body impairs the metabolism of carbohydrates also.

Right nutrition and lifestyle helps to manage and control the blood sugar levels,

Diabetes – 2 types 

1. Type 1 DM (this type is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)- body is deficient of insulin (Beta Cell Dysfunction)

2. Type 2 DM (this one is non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) – the body does not use the insulin properly( Insulin resistance)

Diabetes mellitus is referred to as Vata Prameha. It occurs due to an imbalance in the Vata Dosha (one of the three bio-energies in the body). Diabetes insipidus is referred to as Kapha Prameha. This occurs because of Kapha Dosha imbalance.

According to Ayurveda overconsumption of following food items leads to aggravation of kapha dosha in the body and leads to Diabetes – Sugar , Sugarcane juice ,Jaggery, alcohol, curd, butter, roots and rhizome, bakery Products and freshly harvested grains.

Follow a diet which helps in balancing Kapha dosha :

  • Ear light , dry and warm food and avoid oily, cold and heavy food .
  • Avoid milk and milk products as it aggravates Kapha dosha , Organic Cow’s ghee can be used in moderation as it improves the digestive fire .
  • Include more of proteins like beans and legumes and light grains like millet ( Ragi)
  • Include more apples , papaya, berries, and pomegranates in your diet .
  • Use spices in cooking such as black pepper, cinnamon , Fenugreek seeds , Mustard seeds , garlic and ginger .
  • Avoid food causing inflammation such as red meat .
  • Consume warm water throughout the day .
  • Foods bitter in taste are good for diabetic patients such as bitter gourd(karela) , spinach and other leafy greens .
  • Avoid sweet fruits such as mango, dates and banana.

Lifestyle Modification Tips :

1. Do certain Asanas which are beneficial for diabetic patients . Try to hold the posture for 1-2 min. Do these Asanas 4-5 times in a week .

Here are few Asanas:

Paschimottanasana- Seated forward bend 

It controls diabetes, reduces blood pressure, and balances insulin levels in your blood. It also helps in weight loss. 


  1. Sit down and extend your legs straight. 
  2. While Inhaling pull your hands up. 
  3. Now slowly bring your hands down and try to touch your toes with your hands without bending your knees. 
  4. Remain in the pose for 60 seconds with normal breathing.    

Caution : People suffering from cervical or any other spince issue must avoid this posture .

Bhujangasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose)

This asana helps to lower blood pressure and blood sugar. It also helps to improve posture .


  1. Lie on your abdomen and keep your legs straight. 
  2. Place your arm on the floor beside your chest as shown in the picture .
  3. Now press your arms slowly  to lift your body. 
  4. Put pressure on your feet and hips 
  5. With normal breathing hold this position for 30-40 sec . You have to look straight while holding the posture .

Ardha Matsyendrasana

This asana helps to massage the kidneys, pancreas, small intestines, etc. It also stimulates digestion . 


Sit on the carpet and stretch your legs straight. 

Then, start folding the right leg and keep the right leg’s heel touching the knee of the left leg. 

Now, take your right hand to the back of the waist twisting your trunk and spread palms inside. 

Then, you may bring the left hand close to the right knee and hold the right leg’s ankle or big toe with the left hand.

 After doing so, twist the head and shoulder to the right side and look straight to the right shoulder’s side.

Kitchen herbs For Diabetes

PANEER DODA FLOWERS – Paneer doda flowers help to heal the beta cells of the pancreas for better utilisation of insulin. Soak 7-10 flowers overnight and in the morning drink this water on an empty stomach.


It is the best herb for Diabetes Mellitus as written in Ayurvedic texts. It is also anti viral ,antiseptic and anti inflammatory. It is one of the most powerful anti diabetic herb. It aids in insulin resistance and thus helps in metabolism of glucose and facilitates its entry into the cell . It is most effective when combined with black pepper and aloe vera.


These seeds are one of the medicinal plants which are important in Management of diabetes mellitus.They aids in lowering fasting blood glucose levels and improve glucose tolerance.These are rich source of soluble fibers that delays the carbohydrates digestion and absorption,thus enhancing insulin action.They decreases the absorption of glucose from small intestine and delays gastric emptying.Fenugreek seeds reverse the activities of gluconeogenic,glycolytic and lipogenic enzymes in the liver and kidney,which leads to a decrease in fasting blood glucose.


It has an antihyperglycemic effect. It lowers the blood glucose levels and improves the functioning of beta cells of pancreas. It also improves the glucose tolerance. It also supports gut health. Cinnamon also regulates metabolism of fats and sugars helping with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. It pacifies vata dosha and kapha dosha and aggravates pitta dosha.