Quick Tips

Your immune system is the defense mechanism against various bacterial and viral infections. Due to a weak immune system people get sick and feel unhealthy. 

Managing your immunity is not rocket science, you just have to stick to the basics of ancient wisdom and follow simple rules of diet and lifestyle. In today’s world where we are surrounded with pollutants and adulteration, the only thing we can manage is our body.

In this article we are sharing some very simple and easy tricks to improve your immunity .

Maintain a Healthy Weight : Conditions like overweight and obesity makes a person more susceptible to weak immunity .

Vitamin C Rich Fruits : Citrus fruits and loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C , which boost your immunity. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells that aim at fighting infections . So include fruits such as amla , sweet oranges, lime,lemons , kiwi, guava in your diet .

Antioxidant rich diet: Antioxidants delay or inhibit cellular damage through their free radical scavenging property.  Vegetables such as beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, spinach are antioxidant rich. You can include these vegetables in your diet for boosting immunity.

Turmeric : Active ingredient curcumin found in turmeric helps to boost the body’s antioxidant capacity by fighting against free radicals and provides protection. Turmeric helps in cleansing the respiratory tract and thus provides defense against disease causing bacteria and viruses.

Ginger : An immune boosting herb with antibacterial properties and antimicrobial compound aids in fighting infections in the body.The antioxidative  and anti- inflammatory nature of ginger helps in increasing the immunity levels. 

Amla ( Indian gooseberry) : Richest source of Vitamin C , it can be  eaten raw during its season in winters or it can be taken as Amla powder or capsule .For children Amla candies and Amla Murabba is also a better option . As per Ayurveda Amla balances all three dosha Vata,Pitta and Kapha .

Giloy / Giloy Juice : Natural immune booster that also helps in making your digestive system and respiratory system stronger and keeps you refreshed and fit.It helps in purifying the blood and removes toxins , helps to fight bacteria thus boosts immunity. 

Tulsi Juice: Tulsi also known as holy basil has been known to be the best antibiotic. It is recommended to consume 3-4 Tulsi leaves on a daily basis on an empty stomach to stay away from viruses and flu. You can also Consume Tulsi water by adding a combination of fresh Tulsi leaves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cardamom, boil them and strain. Consume the mixture on a daily basis.