Most of the time people are not aware that they are suffering from Hypothyroidism. Do you know why it happens?  Because the signs and symptoms of Hypothyroid are like obesity. People start putting on weight, energy levels drop, Constipation, Drowsiness, tendency to feel depressed and water retention. At this point of time people start cutting down the quantity of food they are having and start doing exercises, but it doesn’t help. 
Thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism. As per Ayurveda Pitta (fire) dosha is responsible for hormone secretion and to maintain metabolism. Concept of Metabolism is related to fire (Agni).

Hypothyroidism means underactive thyroid. This condition occurs due to aggravation of Kapha (water) dosha. Due to heavy and slow qualities of Kapha thyroid gland becomes underactive. In Hypothyroid condition digestive fire becomes weak which we call Mandagni in Ayurveda.

Now we are sharing the signs of Hypothyroidism:

  • Weakness, feeling of depression….
  • Weight gain and difficult to lose to lose weight.
  • Constipation
  • Vertigo (It is a condition in which the person feel everything is moving or spinning)
  • Not able to tolerate cold.
  • Hair- dry, brittle
  • Water retention – swelling around eyes, puffy face.

What are the causes of Hypothyroidism?

Stress is one of the main causes for Hypothyroidism, as per Ayurveda Vata (air) dosha is responsible for vitiating Pitta (water) and Kapha (fire) dosha. It impacts on Ojas or immunity. In Hypothyroidism all Tridisha’s are involved but primarily it’s Kapha (water) dosha. As we have seen, the symptoms of Hypothyroid resembles Kapha aggravation. Due to excessive meda dhatu (fat tissue) and Kapha dosha, cellular function gets impaired the Agni (fire- metabolism) at cellular level.

How to Manage Hypothyroidism?

Firstly, remove the cause (dietary and psychological) of Hypothyroidism and then balance kapha and vata doshas. It is very crucial to improve Agni, digestive fire. Managing stress is the key to managing Hypothyroidism.

Here are some foods which helps you to balance Kapha dosha:

  • Include more whole grains, proteins, vegetable soup, Sate vegetables, Salad, Fruits in your diet.
  • Cut down the intake of excessive salt, avoid using table salt..
  • Drink 10-12 glasses of lukewarm water every day.
  • In dinner eat vegetables and salad.

Some kitchen herbs to boost Metabolism.

  • Black pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Fenugreek Seeds

How to manage Stress:

  • Do deep breathing exercises.
  • Yog Nidra

Ayurveda Preparations:

  • Kanchnaar Guggul
  • Triphala Guggul
  • Dashmool Kwath
  • Tripahala Churna
  • Brahmi Vati

Notes: Always consult an ayurveda physician for Ayurveda preparations.