Ayurveda not only helps you to maintain physical and mental health  but it also helps to maintain healthy relationships . Once you understand the concept of Tridosha ( Bio energy) of your friends and family members , you will be able to manage them well . Thus ayurveda helps you improve your relationships .
Here are some glimpse of Tidosha (Bio-energy) 

Vata ( Air) –  These personalities are very quick in action , change their thoughts and ideas quickly and most of the time they are unpredictable . Positive features of Vata personalities are , they are creative and enthusiastic .Pitta ( Fire )  –  These personalities are very disciplined and very punctual . They have leadership qualities and have a systematic approach to do things .
Kapha ( Water)  – These personalities are very stable and slow . Most of the time due to lethargy they don’t participate in any physical activity and thus tend to gain weight . Positive features of Vata personalities are their immune system is very good and their nature is relaxed and calm.

To build a healthy relationship you must understand that you cannot ask another person to change . Most of the time relations come to an end when the person is expecting change in others and it doesn’t happen . Each personality is different and you cannot change it . Each individual has its own way of thinking and doing the tasks .

Communication also plays an important role in building strong relationships . Each person has its own habit of feeling and talking with others . For eg. Vata changes mood rapidly and often gets anxious with small problems. Pitta personalities get angry very fast and have a dominating nature . Kapha are soft spoken and easy going type of personality .

Here are some Tips to Manage healthy relationships :

1. Always care for yourself –  When you are physically and mentally fit then only you will be able to manage your relationship. Anyone talking to you get positive vibes when you are happy and healthy . So give enough time for your body and mind and do some sort of physical activity and meditation . Eat healthy , fresh , home cooked food to create a positive energy in your body . Show gratitude for what all you have in your life . 

2. Understanding –  It is very important to have understanding in any relationship . Always give time to understand the things before you jump to any conclusion or decision . Always discuss your expectation rather than just thinking that the other person can realize by themself. 

3. Show Care-  Don’t get shy to show your caring nature whether it’s your partner, child or parents . Sometimes it is important to show with your gestures how important the other person is in your life and how much you care for them . Play with your child what they want to play, help your wife in household chores and take out some time to sit and chit chat with your parents . These small gestures make a lot of difference in the life of your loved ones .

Some activities You can do together with your family and friends :

1. Gardening 

2. Yoga or any other physical activity 

3. Group Laughter Yoga or Couple Laughter Yoga

4. Cook food together 

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