Examination time is the most crucial period in children’s life. During this time children look up to their parents for help and support. Most of the children experience stress during this time, become. irritable, are not able to sleep well, lose interest in food, worry a lot, appear depressed or negative and have frequent headache and stomach aches.

Itis very important for a child to get mental support from the family. Right kind of nutrition generates energy in the body and also keeps the mind relaxed.

 In this blog we will be talking about the food and exercises that one can have to combat the stress during exams.

 Diet During Examinations

 Give your child a balanced diet during examination as it helps in improving performance and concentration during examinations.


· Prepare balanced meals, with some complex carbohydrates (whole wheat, oats, Ragi) and some protein (dal, paneer, eggs).  It will help in reducing hunger and cravings.

· Make your child eat smaller meals at regular intervals which will keep his /her energy levels up and reduce the temptations.

· Introduce healthy snacks in between meals like dry fruits (soaked almonds and walnuts ),sprouts salad, mix fruit salad etc. rather than fried and unhealthy snacks like pakoras, patties, and other fried foods which will usually leave the child craving for more in a very short time.

· Offer your child plenty of water and other liquids like coconut water, lemon water, buttermilk, milk etc. to stay hydrated.

· Try to keep sugar and caffeine intake of children to a minimum .

Exercise During Examinations

 Make sure your child remains active during exam time.

· Exercise can help boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress.

· Encourage your child to get involved in several indoor and outdoor games like walking, dancing, swimming, football, Laughter Yoga etc. which will help him feel relieved from stress.

· Exercise example  (Super BrainLaughter Yoga )increases concentration and helps your child stay focused.

· Exercise Example  (Laughter Yoga and Sound therapy )helpsto improve sleep patterns also.

***** Like to learn laughter Yoga which helps you to release stress, anxiety and depression during exam details areas below
To know more – Learn Laughter Yoga Learn Laughter Yoga Basic Laughter Yoga Training Advance laughter Yoga Training Laughter Therapy For Depression Laughter Therapy for work Place or Office Laughter Therapy for Insomnia Art of Meditation


Tips to Overcome Stress

· Talk to your child about their work.

· Allow your child to have 8 hours of regular sleep.

· During the day allow your child to listen to soft music to overcome the stress.

· Help your child to get enough sleep as good sleep will help improve thinking and concentration.

· Help them to study and revise.

· Tell your children that feeling nervous and anxious is normal, but the key is to put those nerves to positive use.

· Avoid criticism and listen to your child, give them all the support and help they need.

All The Best  Kids 😉