Theory of Tridosha 

As per Ayurveda the entire cosmos is made up of five basic elements ( Pancha Mahabhutas) – Ether , Air, Fire , Water , Earth .  Tridosha ( Three Bio energies) are also made up of these five basic elements .Tridosha are Vata, Pitta and Kapha . Dosha is a specific word used in ancient texts,  Balance of Tridosha means health and imbalance means illness . Once these doshas get imbalanced they vitiate the Dhatus (tissues) such as plasma, blood, muscles, Adipose fat , bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluids , which results in diseased condition. In Ayurveda physiology Vata, Pitta and Kapha play an important role and perform various functions in the body . 

Every dosha is composed of all five elements.

Vata – Air + Ether 

Pitta – Fire + Water 

Kapha – Water + Earth 


Vata (Air) is the energy of movement . It is responsible for all sorts of movement in the body such as movement of limbs , blinking of eyes , peristalsis movements etc.  Vata is responsible for all voluntary and involuntary  movements of the body . It is responsible for functions such as breathing and pumping of the heart . It provides flexibility and creativity . When Vata gets imbalanced it leads to  anxiety , fear, joint pain , insomnia and excessive movement in the body .


Pitta(Fire)  is the energy of transformation which includes digestion and metabolism . It includes digestive fire ( jathar-agni) and  fire associated with different tissues, Dhatwagni . It is responsible for understanding and intelligence . Imbalance of Pitta leads to anger, inflammatory disorders , greying of hairs and indigestion .


Kapha ( Water) is the energy of lubrication and structure . It provides strength to the body and helps in building immunity and stamina . It is the cohesive energy of the body . All the fluid present in our body represents kapha. It is responsible for the lubrication of joints , moistens the skin and scalp . It also helps in improving immunity .It represents calmness and love . When Kapha gets imbalances it leads to obesity , Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol) and sluggish metabolism .